In 2015, R&Q founder, Markus travelled the world creating books and nurturing ideas that would eventually evolve into R&Q publishing. From there Markus began collaborating with other authors to help their ideas come to life too.
Today, R&Q publishing is the home of the Quirky, Creative, and Odd, a place that shares ingenious and unique ideas in children’s storybooks as well as factual and coffee table books.
Ideas that we hope you will love, or even hate. For R&Q strives to be the advocates against the indifference of the “alright’s” and “ok’s”, we would much rather 50% of you adore or detest our content than have 100% of you think the ideas are just alright!
We want our books, characters and websites to induce a strong reaction and to become the new normal in a world that is more interesting and fun because they have reached and inspired all of our consciousness.